Wednesday, January 19, 2011

First public performance

I'll be playing at my wife's music club tomorrow, with piano, mostly as a test of nerves and memory in advance of rehearsing with orchestra. Preparing for that, I've been recording a cold runthrough every day, just to check on how the whole thing is coming, and to see where I screw up. These recordings have lots of goofs, of course, but also a fair number of train wrecks, where I lose the thread, and have to switch gears and come back in somehow. Some have been clean though, at least as far as keeping going (not goof-free, obviously). At my last lesson I ran it, from memory, standing. It felt kind of like a performance, a performance for my teacher, and I was pretty happy it was train wreck free. At my lesson this evening, in consideration of the music club performance tomorrow, M didn't want to work on it, but we did do a performance practice. Actually, he dragged his wife in, and we went to the living room, so I had a new venue, and an audience of three (including the cat) to listen to me play the Mozart. How'd it go? Well, they clapped enthusiastically at the end (except for the cat). I had a fairly train-wreck worthy screwup, confusing the ends of the two trilly bits midway through the second one. I listened to my recording when I got home, and the confusion was briefer and better recovered than I felt at the time, but still I feel dissatisfied. I'm consoling myself with a beer and Ruthie Foster on my iPod before heading down for a little more quality time with the metronome.

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